With eyes
for the

Much of my satisfaction is derived from helping others be successful, enabling others to know, embrace and intelligently invest themselves.

My professional world is woven into a personal life that is people-rich, slow-paced and intentional.

Sincere and transparent

Connecting with my client makes all the difference in my work. And because empathy is one of my top talents, this bridge building generally takes place very quickly and comfortably. 

In this connected atmosphere, trust and a sense of security are able to grow.

A living example of one of my core beliefs

From history and languages … to teaching in the classroom … to self-employment as coach and consultant. This road story might seem out-of-the-box and in some ways it is. But for an American (as I am), having a career path that isn’t straight and predictable is actually quite normal.

I am a living example of one of my core beliefs: know what you do well and enjoy doing – and stay focused on that, learning to live in the moment, in the day. And at the right time new opportunities will cross your path.

Sometimes I was ready for the change, even looking for it, like when I did my coaching training with CTI (Co-Active Training Institute). Other times the step out of my secure space felt like a risky jump into a deep, cold lake. Looking back, the process of development and growth has been absolutely organic, in line with who I am and the values that anchor me.

Knowing what I am not and cannot do well is equally important. At those junctures I reach out to valued business partners who merge their expertise with my own for the benefit of the client.

A living example of one of my core beliefs

From history and languages … to teaching in the classroom … to self-employment as coach and consultant. This road story might seem out-of-the-box and in some ways it is. But for an American (as I am), having a career path that isn’t straight and predictable is actually quite normal.

I am a living example of one of my core beliefs: know what you do well and enjoy doing – and stay focused on that, learning to live in the moment, in the day. And at the right time new opportunities will cross your path.

Sometimes I was ready for the change, even looking for it, like when I did my coaching training with CTI (Co-Active Training Institute). Other times the step out of my secure space felt like a risky jump into a deep, cold lake. Looking back, the process of development and growth has been absolutely organic, in line with who I am and the values that anchor me.

Knowing what I am not and cannot do well is equally important. At those junctures I reach out to valued business partners who merge their expertise with my own for the benefit of the client.

Committed to reflection, action and communication


I describe myself as a person of action with an equal interest in reflection. I see connections where others often don’t. And I can’t help but create human connections, using my expansive network for the good of those I work with.

We always communicate something – even in our silence. I desire to equip others to communicate with greater consciousness and effectiveness, to empower them to present themselves with convincing authenticity to the appropriate audience in the best way possible.

My verbal and written communication with my clients is available in English, German or both – whichever is preferred by the individual across the table.

My work activities occur against the backdrop of a people-rich, slow-paced personal life. The 7-member Hansen family fills a typical German semi-detached house situated in the spacious countryside that connects Hamburg and Neumünster. Much to the disappointment of our children, our pet community is limited to six chickens (who don’t usually enjoy being petted). Regular walks, daily fitness, reading, music making, delicious organic meals and a cultural event now and then color our lives and provide a sense of health and balance.

For more details on my professional path, please see my LinkedIn profile.




As a coach I create a safe space for you to be you. My questions lead you to a new sense of clarity. You move forward naturally, not alone but in the lead.



In the role of sparring partner, 
I look with you at your business challenges. You can expect me to generate new perspectives and offer my creative input.



Though I lack the powerful 
forces associated with wizards, I am able to create nearly magical links between someone’s key strengths and the best-suited tasks.

